A Quality I Look For In A Friend (Paragraph Of The Week #1)

In class our teacher wanted us to make a paragraph about what quality we want in a friend, here is my paragraph about the quality I chose that is most important.

This is the paragraph I wrote:

A quality I look for in a friend is kindness. I think kindness is important because if you are not kind, you’re not nice and then no one wants to be your friend. I admire kind friends because they are nice and want to do things with you. Kindness is also good because it makes other people feel nice and helps with relationships by being nice, friendly, and generous. When people are kind I feel more willing to cooperate with them and do things with them.

1 thought on “A Quality I Look For In A Friend (Paragraph Of The Week #1)

  1. Dear Joey,

    You’ve raised some really good points about the qualities of a good friend. There’s another quote that your paragraph made me think of by Elbert Hubbard: “In order to have good friends, you must be one first.” Friendship is a two-way street and if you show someone what it means to be a good friend, you will attract that back into your life as well.

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